I have always loved taking pictures. I really enjoy it now that I can make them look even better with cropping, color correction, lightening and optimizing. These are just some random photos that I have taken over the last couple of years.
This one is called "up". Prayers, faith, respect.
We had a horrible storm in June of last year. We lost the top of a tree in our front yard. It took out my mailbox. This was the sunset after the storm. No photoshop. Totally natural.
Lake Royale. On the morning of the Canoe Merit Badge festivities.
Church steeple silhouette and some interesting clouds. St Eugene's Catholic Church on the occasion of Pack 515 W2 Bridging Ceremony.
Scary clouds foretelling a scary storm. Boy Scout Summer Camp. Moore County - Camp Durant, 2013.
A dragonfly landed on our bird feeder. I really didn't think I could capture it.
Downtown Raleigh. A hot summer afternoon.
We have a cat that does not do well when it comes to climbing trees. I ran to get my camera to capture the moment. Instead, he gave me this beauty.
Pedestrian/bike bridge over the New River between Ivanhoe and Foster's Falls VA. One of our most favorite camping trips.
On the same camping trip, this was a former railroad bed that winds for 50-some miles along the New River in western VA.
Pullen Park, Raleigh NC
Sunset over our cul-de-sac.
Sunset over the Farmer's Market. Taken from the park on Dorthea Dix campus. Raleigh NC
Under the pier at Cherry Grove. North Myrtle Beach SC.