Sunday, April 27, 2014

Graphic Design Autobiography

I took a design class in the spring of 2013. I really liked it. It was hands-on, paste up and not on the computer. No technology, just paper, ruler, an x-acto blade and a glue stick.
One of my projects was a self evaluation - cut/paste style. My focus was, as usual, my family. I asked several of my family members and close friends to submit words that they thought represented me. I type-set those in Adobe InDesign. The photographs were from my many years of collecting. I ran most of them through Photoshop to optimize them for printing.
Here are the words, typeset, before being put on the board:

I really enjoyed this part. Although, usually, one of things that I spend most of my time on is font choice.

This was kind of brutal. Some were easier than others, but a few took quite a bit of time.

The finished product contained about 60 photos, 8 random images and the words you see above - 31 of them!
It's kind of big, so it takes 4 photos to see the details.

 Top Left quadrant

 Bottom Left quadrant

 Top Right quadrant

Bottom right quadrant 

Whole project

I really enjoyed this one! I got an A on this project.

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